
Signal Mountain Review welcomes both established and emerging writers to submit their pieces for publication. We have a special interest in that which helps to illuminate who we are, how we got here, and who we could be.  Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and hybrid forms are welcome.

In fiction, we are not just open to, but excited about, literary science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and other sub-genres which sometimes are considered outside the scope of literary journals. (Send us your stories with flying saucers, elves, or butlers who did it–just be certain there is something about that story that gives us greater insight into our own, nonfictional lives.) Of course, we are also open to social realism and other, more traditionally “literary” genres.

In nonfiction, we are especially interested in work that explores the lyric and plays with form. While we are very much of the “nonfiction must be nonfictional” school of thought, we’re happy to read work that focuses on the imagined, rather than the real, as long as that is clearly signaled.

In poetry, we’re looking for work that deploys (or refuses to deploy) beauty in the service of meaning; we want to come away from the work either with a new insight, or questioning the insights we thought we’d had before we encountered it. Challenge us, perturb us, make us think.

We particularly encourage writers from underrepresented communities to submit. If you discover any barriers to submission, please let us know. We are working diligently to ensure that there are never submission fees, inaccessible submission systems, or other barriers to participation… but we’re also new to this.

Please send us your fiction, literary nonfiction, poetry, or hybrid work in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. Please send us only work that has not previously been published, including on personal blogs or websites, and please note which category your work falls into in your submission message. Please send packets of at least three, and no more than eight, poems. Our hope is to publish at least three pieces per poet per issue. Please be patient, we aim to respond to every submission. After 60 days, you are welcome to query the status of your work(s). We appreciate your understanding.

Submit your work to:

NOTE: Former UTC students must have been out of school for at least five years.